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CCM together with the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences on 24 th June, 2017 joined the Hen-Mpoano, an implementing partner on the Wetlands Ecological Health Monitoring Project activity on a field trip to Azulewanu and Ampain near Essiama in the Western Region.

The purpose of the trip was to demonstrate to members of Wetlands School Clubs, that were formed in selected Junior High Schools in the two communities by the said project, on the use of various measuring instruments in recording some water quality parameters eg. Salinity, pH and Dissolved Oxygen - as a basis for monitoring the health status of coastal ecosystems.

The practical exercise took place in the Amanzule wetlands and Ebi River. A total of 72 students and 8 teachers were involved from the two wetland clubs in Azulewanu D/A and Ampain SDA school.

Both teachers and students had the opportunity to experience directly the use of the instruments and expressed excitement for having first-hand practical feel of what they had earlier come across in theoretical sessions in the classroom. The pH meter, DO meter and refractometer were some intruments introduced to the students.

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