Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) also known as integrated coastal management (ICM) is defined as “a dynamic, multidisciplinary and iterative process for promoting sustainable management of the coastal zone”. It has become a subject of immense importance in many developed and developing countries because of the continuing depletion and degradation of coastal zones and its resources including critical coastal ecosystems which require remedial actions for their restoration and conservation. Worldwide the coastal zone is home to more than 50 percent of the human population.
To be an exemplary and unique institution, providing demand driven services to the society.
To undertake capacity building programmes for the greater benefit of the Ghanaian society, and contribute to the University’s mandate of teaching, research and extension.
To be accountable to the vision of the Centre and as stewards of coastal resources.
To remain up to date with current ICM literature and practices, as well as publishing the Centre’s research outputs.
To promote partnerships that provide mutual support for each partner.
Objective: Develop an efficient financial administration system, employ core administrative, scientific and technical staff; maintain a library, website, as well as establish MOUs with local and international organizations with related vision, and sustain an operational budget.
Objective: Monitor the effects of human and natural factors on coastal ecosystems and disseminate findings through scientific communications and outreach networks.
Objective: Enhance the technical and leadership capacities of professionals dealing with coastal issues (i.e. planners, disaster management officials, community development workers, educators, private sectors etc.).
Objective: Provide education and document good practices on rational exploitation and management of coastal resources.
Objective: Provide research and consultancy services to public and private institutions as well as engage in grants proposal writing to promote the Centre’s activities