CCM hosts maiden course on “Multiple Stressors in Tropical Marine Environments” at UCC
Coastal marine ecosystems are threatened by multiple natural and human-induced stressors. Climate change and other anthropogenic stressors such as pollution, habitat loss and over-exploitation of resources are key examples. Unfortunately the cumulative effects of these stressors are less understood for tropical coastal marine ecosystems. As part of measures to contribute to solutions, management and mitigation actions in relation to the sources and effects of the stressors on the tropical coastal marine environment, the Centre for Coastal Management, held a one-week short course from 25 – 30 March, 2019 to train and build research capacity among students mainly postgraduates and professionals on the sources and impacts of the pollutants in the Tropical Marine Environment. The short course, dubbed “Multiple Stressors in the Tropical Marine Environment”, was held at the University of Cape Coast (UCC).
The HOTSPOT project is a four-year research collaboration between Ghanaian and Danish researchers funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) and implemented by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the University of Cape Coast’s (UCC) Centre for Coastal Management (CCM). The project also includes private sector partners from both Denmark and Ghana.