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Applied Research

The Centre acts as a focal point for collaborative research on coastal zone issues in Ghana. The focus of the research is usually demand-driven aimed among others to monitor the health of coastal ecosystems for conservation and sustainable resource use. A key component includes monitoring the effects of human and natural factors on coastal ecosystems. The Centre also engages in research of policy relevance, linked to fisheries management and governance issues within coastal communities. Outcomes of the research are disseminated through seminars, conferences, scientific publications, policy briefs, communiques, and the media. Specifically, the Centre

  • conducts research and reports on coastal and marine fisheries governance issues for policy attention
  • conducts research on the health of coastal ecosystems for restoration and conservation
  • establishes community resource management groups for livelihoods improvements
  • publishes policy briefs and articles for improved governance over coastal areas

These activities are intended to facilitate the decentralization of Ghana’s fisheries and coastal management processes.  The Centre works closely for example with the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development (MoFAD), and the Fisheries Commission (FC), coastal communities, traditional authority, District Assemblies and other stakeholders to validate research findings.  

These activities have contributed to

  • identifying district and community level constraints in fisheries and coastal management
  • dialoguing with research scientists, think-tanks, civil society groups and journalists to validate the research findings
  • identifying, evaluating and disseminating management strategies among stakeholders
  • clarifying roles and responsibilities at the community, district, region and national levels in fisheries management
  • recommendations for district bye-laws to support fisheries activities

Some of the research outputs include:

  • Cuttlefish research (reproduction, migration, potential for mariculture, etc.)
  • Lessons on community-based ecosystems management
  • Lagoon restoration
  • Research on supplementary livelihood programmes
  • Fish quality studies (PAHs and microbial content)
  • Fisheries policy research  
  • Illegal fishing methods
  • Fish stock assessment
  • Fisheries governance

The research outputs have informed the development of:

  • Position Paper on Fisheries and Coastal Environment, submitted to the National Development Planning Commission in 2017 for inclusion in Ghana’s Medium Term development Plan (2018-2022)
  • Communique on Fisheries and Coastal Environment resulting from the Accra 2017 Conference.